Mission: To educate all generations on the importance of wearing helmets.
Berrett’s legacy exists to prevent the unnecessary death of others enjoying the passion for adventure sports like skateboarding, skiing, snowboarding, bmx, biking or riding scooters.
Accept nothing, if not the world
Berrett’s story
Berrett was an adventurous, outgoing, kind hearted, live-life-to-the-fullest 13 year old boy. While living out his one true passion in life, skateboarding, he crashed and hit his head. He endured a sub-dermal hematoma that would two days later, with zero indication, take his life. If he would have been wearing his helmet, he would still be here with us today. Our goal is to ensure all kids and adults have helmets while living out their greatest life passions, so they can return home to their mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, husbands, wives and kids.